Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Get Hits


When your content does not get hits

There can be numerous reasons as to why your content is not getting desired results. In today's article, we will look at various reasons for not getting shares and what type of articles should be done. How we can target content based on audience among other things. In the following article, Daniel Mathews provides his input on how to overcome this problem.

Why No One Is Sharing Your Content (And How To Solve The Problem)

Content that goes unshared is like a commercial that no one sees.1 It’s had time, money and energy invested into it. It’s even got an agenda; a product to push. But no one sees it. Therefore it might as well not exist.

So how do you ensure your content doesn’t sink into the depths of obscurity? How do you find the magic formula to achieve social shares and referral traffic?

Well, there is no magic formula, but you can learn a thing or two from how Josepf Haslam, senior director of SEO at EducationDynamics, puts it:

“I tell my content creation team they have only one KPI. Was their content shared or not? Is it share-worthy?

If they think they wrote a fantastic piece and technically it looks good – it’s got the right metadata, great keyword structure, and so on – but nobody shares it, it isn’t good in my eyes.”

Even technically sound content doesn’t deliver ROI if no one shares it. Read more here...

Writing great content takes time and effort. One needs to ensure that the content which they are producing adds value to the end user along with a different perspective. In the below article, Corey Wainwright provides some tips on writing catchy headlines which readers cannot avoid.

How to Write Catchy Headlines and Blog Titles Your Readers Can't Resist

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It's one thing to write great content, but it's another thing to get it read and ranked -- which is where nailing the title comes in.

Titles are what sell the content. They represent it in search engines, in email, and on social media. It's no surprise, then, that some of the most common questions we get concern crafting titles. Read the entire article here...

So titles or headlines is one thing, the other most important aspect is the matter in the body. In the following video, Adam Erhart provides some advice on how to create business boosting content confidently.

How To Write Great Content – Content Marketing For Your Blog, Website, Or Ads

How To Write Great Content – Content Marketing For Your Blog, Website, Or Ads

Content marketing is one of the most effective, cost-efficient, and all around best marketing strategies to drive leads and sales.

But the key to content marketing is understanding that your results are directly tied to the quality of your content.

So in this video, I’m going to cover 5 easy to follow tips for writing great content. Click here to watch and comment on the YouTube page.

The article What to Do When Your Content Doesn’t Get Hits Read more on: An SEO Plugin for WordPress

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